Univ. Heidelberg
Statistics Group   Institute of Applied Mathematics   Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science   University Heidelberg
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg Statistics of inverse problems Research Group Lecture course Probability Theory II (SS 2016)
german english

Last edited on
Sep 07, 2020 by JJ
  • Written examination

    You have to pass the written examination, in order to successfully attend
    the lecture course Probability Theory II.
    The date of the written examination will be announced later.

  • Admission requirements and final grade

    Accepted for the written examination is someone who either

    • has achieved at least 50% of the points in the exercises and
    • has actively participated during the exercises (regular attendance and at least one exercise presented)


    • was accepted for a written examination of a previous lecture course named Probability Theory II and
    • has not lost the examination claim.

    The written examination will determine the final grade.