Univ. Heidelberg
Statistics Group   Institute for Mathematics   Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science   University Heidelberg
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg Institute for Mathematics Statistics of inverse problems Research Group
german english french

Research projects
Completed theses

Last edited on
Jul 12, 2024 by JJ

Seminar (WS 2016/17)

Non-parametric statistics for dependent data

Preliminary discussion:
Thursday, October 20th, 2016, 11:15 Uhr,
MΛTHEMΛTIKON, INF 205, ground floor, R 0.200

Time and location of the seminar:
The seminar will be held subsequent to the Seminar Statistics of Dependent Data by Enno Mammen and Claudia Strauch as a Blockseminar on:
Tuesday, January 17th, 2017, 09:00 - 19:00,
MΛTHEMΛTIKON, INF 205, 4th floor, room 4.414

Christof Schötz <schoetz[at]math.uni-heidelberg.de>
Enno Mammen <mammen[at]math.uni-heidelberg.de>
Jan JOHANNES <johannes[at]math.uni-heidelberg.de>
Questions, please directly by email or by using the contact form.

The seminar will be hold in English
if there is at least one non-German speaking participant.
Otherwise the presentations will be in German.

Applied Mathematics, Stochastics
Please register for the seminar by using MÜSLI.

Description of the seminar:
Taking into account results for non-parametric curve estimation based on independent data differences will be carved out, if the data is generated by a weakly dependent process. Exploiting the theory for weakly dependent data introduced in the Seminar Statistics of Dependent Data by Enno Mammen and Claudia Strauch properties for different non-parametric estimation procedures including a data-driven choice of smoothing parameters are derived. Based on originals papers each participant will prepare under supervision and give a 90 minutes presentation.

Literature will be distributed during the preliminary discussion.

Statistics I, Probability theory II